Friday, January 28, 2011

A Simple Approach to Healing

As this cold days drag on and the weather changes from wet to sunny in the blink of an eye, sickness is inevitable.  Last week, I had the flu and other various illnesses I caught from the children in my kindergarten class.  I thought that my family had skated by with their health intact, but alas my 8 year-old is down for the count.

What can you do to help your little ones when they just plain feel lousy? 

Well, to be honest it isn't always the same.  My boys get extremely irritable and moody amongst the sickness... as do most, I am sure.  You try something one time and it works fabulously and the next they can't handle it.

I try to stick to basics as a rule of thumb. 

We begin with a hot bath.  Lavender or chamomile essential oil is added to the bath as well as a bit of oil to soften the skin.  The bath is not long... only enough to warm the child and induce a bit of relaxation among the mayhem of not being well.  We apply lotion to the skin before returning to our jammies.  The rhythmic repetition of applying the lotion is very soothing and enjoyable for a sick little one.

After the bath and jammies, we gather the perfect healing blanket.  Any warm, snuggly throw will do.  The healing is in the comfort and feel of the blanket, not really the blanket itself.  I have been known to mist the blanket with a lavender water mixture to help soothe the soul a bit.  This works like quiet magic enveloping my boys into sleep.

After a nap or two or three, I try to get my boys to drink tea.  The kind of tea depends upon what ails them... lemon and honey for a sore throat, peppermint for sinuses, chamomile for the ickies.  If tea doesn't work, we go for water.  Sips of water here and there... as much as they will drink.

As for eating, I leave it up to them.  They will know when they are ready.  We generally try to start the boys out with soup... something brothy and not too hardy.

Here are several chicken soups to try:
So, that's it.  I do not give my boys medication unless it is an absolute must.  I have various other remedies to try before hand.

What do you do when your boys need you by their sides, but are not well enough for lots of interaction yet?

We snuggle, read, curl up to watch a good movie (though most of the time is spent napping).  I think their favorite would be the reading... a really good chapter book full of lots of imagination.  Hugs and kisses work well too, of course.

How do you help your child when he/she is sick? 
What is your favorite thing to do to help ease the uncomfortable time of unwellness?

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you are all feeling better, ah yes those soothing baths and body rubs. I also make my boys elderberry syrup, or herbal balls with echinacea, rosehips, cranberry powder, slippery elm and marshmallow but I can never keep them in. :)


Thank you for visiting Natural Simplicity. I hope I have helped you on your journey to getting back to the basics.
One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.