Sunday, January 30, 2011

Valentine Pencil Toppers

Valentine's Day  is just around the corner.  I always like to have my boys give pencils instead of candy and cards.  This ensures all the kiddos are safe from nut and other various allergies as well as provides a usable outcome.  Who doesn't love a new snazzy pencil?

Last year, we cut paper hearts out of cardstock and wrote each classmate's name on the heart before attaching it to the pencil.  It worked in a pinch and the second graders didn't seem to mind that it was thrown together at the last minute.
This year I am planning ahead a bit.  I already purchased 50 pencils from the dollar spot at Target.  I think there were 10 pencils in each Valentine themed pack.  I am wanting my boys to be more involved in the creative process this year, so I am on the hunt for some easy ideas.

Here is what I have found so far:
I think  we will probably color and paint the PDF toppers from Margot Madison.  They are super stylish and require my boys to put their heart into their gift.

Happy Creating!
One Pink Fish

Love the thought of giving scented pencils or pens, check out  I Love Smencils.

*Note From a Teacher: If you give pencils as Valentines, please make sure that you sharpen them before hand.  A teacher does not have time to sharpen 22 pencils and the kids are greatly disappointed if they have to wait until they get home to use them... <wink>*

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.