Parenting Resources

Below are some parenting resources that just happen to be my personal favorites.

Center for Social Substainablity

Cuddle Cards: Cuddle cards have been designed for children in the 6-12 years age group. They can be used when a child needs comforting or just for fun. These cards also serve as a starting point for a chat or activity.

Five Love Langauges of Children

Green Parent

Handi Points: create chore list and more

Live Simply With Children: A Vluntary Simplicity Guide

Love and Logic: "Love and Logic provides simple and easy to use techniques to help parents have more fun and less stress while raising responsible kids of all ages." This program is supported on our campus and I have personally went to a seminar with the founder and was truly amazed.

Natural Child: Parenting From the Heart

Simplicity Parenting Blog: So much of modern life seems to be about more. Very few parenting experts will suggest that you do less, but this one does! Kim John Payne quietly presents ‘do-able’ daily ways in which we can simplify our families lives and by doing so build resiliency within our children.

I am personally doing a book study (by myself at the moment). I am loving what this book has to offer. I have also joined an online group of parents (mostly moms) known as The Circle. You are able to post progress on the home front as well as get and offer advice to other parents on the path to simplification.


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.