Friday, November 26, 2010

Simplified Holidays

My holidays as a child were a gluten fest.  We received just about everything we asked for plus things we didn't even know we wanted.  Starting out as a new mom, I followed this model to a tee.  I think more time was spent unwrapping some of the gifts than actually playing with them.

I remember several times looking at the heaping pile of toys wondering... "What was I thinking?"  "Do my kids really enjoy all this 'stuff'?"

After JJ turned 2, I began to rethink my holiday spending.  At the time, it was mostly due to money restraints.  It wasn't until the last year that it was truly with the intent to simplify.

To keep track of the gifts I had purchased and what was still needed, I created a template.  My children would get a gift from each of the following categories:
  • parent gift
  • environmental friendly
  • book basket
  • technology
  • from sibling
  • kid’s choice
  • additional item.
This has worked great the last two years.  This year we went with old school toys: marbles, jacks, pick up sticks, etc.

Next year though, I think I have an even simpler plan.  I was reading a post on Simplicity Parenting by Vanessa Kerr.  She made a suggestion that falls right in line with what I, myself, do to simplify the holidays. 

Here are the 4 areas of family gift giving:
  • something you want
  • something you need
  • something to wear
  • something to read.
Isn't that just perfect?!  Plus, the teacher in me loves the sing- song rhyming flow of the words themselves.

Closing thoughts to ponder:
What is it that you feel is most important as far as gift giving?

How do you plan to simplify the holidays?

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.