Something about summer has me thinking lately about lazy days and visualizing my kids clothing swaying in the breeze. I have never line dried clothing before and only have a very small area in which it is even possible to do so, but I think I am going to give it a try.
I purchased a retractable line at Walmart for about $12. It can span a 20 foot area, but I think my area will be more like 9 feet. Small but still worth the effort... I think.
One worry I have with line drying is wrinkles... cause I hate me some ironing. AND The other worry would be going outside to find my laundry all over the lawn and trampled on by my lovely doggie friends.
That being said...
I found some helpful hints at a variety of sites and thought I would share.
Great Tips to Line Dry Your Clothing
* Make sure the line is very taunt and is cleaned on a regular basis. You should clean the line every couple of weeks.
Natural Cleaning Recipe
Mix 2 teaspoons borax, 4 tablespoons vinegar and 3 cups hot water. For stronger cleaning power add 1/4 teaspoon liquid castile soap. Wipe on with dampened cloth or use non-aerosol spray bottle. (This is not an antibacterial formula. The average kitchen or bathroom does not require antibacterial cleaners.)
* Hang shirts from the bottom folding several inches over the line before pinning. If you hang by the top, you will have large dimples in the area where the pins were placed.
* When hanging towels, shake them really well before and after hanging to keep them fluffy. Fold the towels in half and place one half of the towel on each side of the line before pinning into place.
* Any clothing that you would like to retain its shape should be placed on a hanger. The hanger will then be secured to the clothes line.
* If space is limited, consider hanging two lines from the same area. Be sure to hang the heavier items on the top line and smaller items on the lower line.
* Be sure you know what the weather forecast is for the day. You wouldn't want to take the time to hang them just to have to rewash the entire load that evening.
* Pants and Skirts: "...using two clothespins, one on each side, hanging right-side-up (from the waistline). Jeans can be hung upside down, with a clothespin on each leg, but they dry more slowly that way. Skirts can be hung upside down and spread out, using multiple clothespins for full skirts, and will dry more quickly that way, but take up a lot more clothesline space."
* Use fewer clothespins (and save a little time and line space, too!) by connecting the sides of t-shirts, towels, or sheets.
* Shake each piece of laundry briskly before hanging it up. This removes any lint and wrinkles, and results in softer laundry when it's dry. It makes it easier to hang pieces neatly, too.
Personally, I always have an overload of laundry on the couch or in various baskets in different places around the house. Maybe this will be the answer I have been in search of for some time now. Folding the laundry as it is taken down and instantly putting it away.
ahhh... SUCCESS
Hopefully, these tips will make my line drying adventure a breeze (no pun intend). I am crossing the fingers that I can get the line installed soon and try it out this coming weekend.
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