Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nightitme Blessings

The dark comes like a blanket
hugging us at night.
The Moon shines like the heart
providing gentle light.
The stars call forth our sparkling dreams
like waves upon the shores.
To greet the nighttime pilgrim
as we journey through sleep's door.


  1. So lovely! I'm your newest follower via SITS

  2. That is a beautiful poem. I love the picture of you in your profile. You have a beautiful smile that reaches all the way to your eyes. Lovely!

  3. Eclipsed... Thank you for becoming a follower. I am under the weather today, but will come check out your blog soon.

    Life WIth Kaishon... Thank you for such a lovely complement. It was much needed today.


Thank you for visiting Natural Simplicity. I hope I have helped you on your journey to getting back to the basics.
One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.