Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Book on Every Bed

*I wish I had come across this concept before the holidays and not a few days too late.*

The Book on Every Bed Campaign is simple:
  • Wrap a book.
  • Place a book on the end of every bed in your house for Christmas morning (or whatever holiday you celebrate).

What a wonderful new tradition to add to your family. 

The great part is that it transcends time.  There is no age limit to consider. No worry that the gift will not be well received.  Even if the recipient is not an avid reader; you can always choose an audio book. 

The Book on Every Bed Campaign strives to bring literature and reading to the forefront of every family... to instill the love for and value of reading into a culture that is lacking in so much.

In this technological age of video games, I Pads, computers, and gadgets, take a step back to the basics.  Place a book on the bed of every person you hold dear. 

This does not have to be a holiday tradition... consider birthdays, Easter, the first Saturday of the month.  You hold the key to giving this amazing gift to those you love.  They will get to share the memories with you for years to come.

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.