Sunday, October 10, 2010

Magic of Mandala

Lately as I am surfing the net I keep stumbling across these gorgeous mandala designs.  I decided it was high time that I do a little further research as fate is telling me something with these beautiful images.

About . com always has the most wonderful articles.  They are written simply, but with the detail needed to give you the information you seek.  To gain some basic information on the benefits of coloring mandalas, click here.

Creating Mandalas is a perfect site to get information on the history of mandalas as well as details on how to create you very own mandala.

•calm your mind,
•quiet your emotions,
•induce feelings of tranquility and deep contentment,
•uplift your soul,
•promote greater awareness of self and Life,
•make meditation easier and more accessible,
•reduce stress and lower blood pressure,
•generate good health and well-being,
•ground and center your consciousness,
•integrate polarities within yourself (such as yin/yang),
•increase concentration,
•stimulate your creative thinking and problem-solving abilities,
•access the Divine/Teacher Within you,
•create satisfaction and pleasure,
•overcome blocks and stuck patterns in daily life,
•align body, mind, heart, and spirit into harmony,
•open the heart chakra,
•assist you to reach your full potential,
•promote spiritual enlightenment.

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Thank you for visiting Natural Simplicity. I hope I have helped you on your journey to getting back to the basics.
One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.