Thursday, October 21, 2010

Green Beans Parmesana

Found this simple and delicious recipe for can greened beans awhile back.  Thought I would share.

1.  Dump a can or two of green beans into a pot (for the stove) or a microwave safe bowl.

2.  Heat until warm.  If on the stove, turn down to low and follow steps below.  Of course, if you used the microwave, you ahve to take the bowl out.

3.  Add a very small amount of butter.

*I used spray butter and just coated the green beans lightly.*

4.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

5.  Use 3-4 pinches of thyme and sprinkle liberally over warm green beans.

6.  Coat with a generous amount of Parmesan cheese.

*I had to use the Kraft sprinkle jar kind and it worked great.  Next time, I want to try to grate it myself just to see if there is a difference.*

7.  Stir green beans.  If needed, microwave again for about 30 seconds.


I must say this recipe did not sound impressive at all, but turned out quite yummy.  It was a hit with the entire family.

Now that I am thinking about it, I might follow the above recipe except... fresh green beans cooked in the oven at 425 with a half can of chicken broth.  Cook until broth is absorbed. 

Think it might be a new favorite.

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.