Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Beautiful Birch

photo downloaded from flicker

Yesterday Little J saw this beautiful birch tree next to my car. I am going to have to go take a picture of it because the above photo doesn't have quite the same bark. But anyways, when he saw the tree he said, "Mommy look. That tree has special skin...ummmm (I told him "bark") just like me!" "Look, Mommy, it's peeling." At that point, he showed me part of his arm that was peeling and then his tummy.

This was so cute! Considering JJ has never met another person with skin like his, he was finally able to feel connected to something... of all things... NATURE.

I now want a birch tree in my yard. I don't think I will ever find a tree that hold the same place in my heart as that of the birch. My little guy was so happy it almost made be cry those happy tears that are so hard to explain.
I will post a picture of the tree as soon as I get back over there and take it. I will also post a picture of Little J's skin so you can see just how similar they are.

My heart was full during that conversation. JJ even brought a piece of his new friend home... bark. Now, the bark has been torn to shreds which only connects them more. Little J is always picking his skin and messing with it as well.
The little things in life are often worth the most. I hope you find one of your little things today.

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.