Saturday, October 16, 2010

$5 Friday: Learning Through Coloring

Well, better late than never. Last week we decided that we only wanted one thing for our fun Friday activity. Flashback to the 70s... We got a fuzzy poster and markers. For $4 plus tax, the boys and I colored and spent some quality time together.
Here is the natural learning that occurred during our coloring time:
  • naming objects
  • color recognition
  • counting markers
  • discussions about the pond and all the wonderful animals that live there
  • sharing
  • team work.
Who would have thought that coloring a picture could entail so much. We had a blast!

*By the way, the skull wrap on Little J's head works wonderfully for people with dry scalp. Of course, J has to have the skin removed from his head, but the out come is still no more itchies.

All you need to do is select an oil that you want to have penetrate the scalp really well. Jojoba oil is one of our favorites.  We even add a couple of tablespoons to Js bath soap and shampoos and conditioners.

Oil the head really well and rub, rub rub it into the scalp. Tie on the head wrap and allow to sit at least 30 minutes. Sit in the sun if possible.

Repeat if needed and shampoo as normal. Vahh-la... soft scalp with minimal itching... unless you have ichthyosis.

If you have ichthyosis, use your favorite method for skin removal. Reapply oil as needed during the process.

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Thank you for visiting Natural Simplicity. I hope I have helped you on your journey to getting back to the basics.
One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.