Sunday, December 12, 2010

Skin Softening Sugar Scrub

It's that time of year when you will need to get a gift for someone you may not know very well... a teacher, doctor, the lady whom pours your daily coffee.  A great way to extend a small sign of appreciation to these special people are homemade gifts.

A homemade gift is general enough to be liked by most people, but personal enough to show the effort and thoughtfulness of the gift itself.

This year my boys will be giving their teachers a few simple treasures: a homemade sugar scrub (recipe to follow), a rice pad for small aches and pains (will post soon), several different homemade cookies and a CD filled with soothing music to relax the senses.

When the budget is tight, this is an especially nice gift because many of the items are things that are generally on hand.

Skin Softening Sugar Scrub

  • 50 percent white cane sugar
  • 50 percent vegetable glycerin to moisten the sugar or olive oil
  • small amounts of aloe vera gel, vitamin C crystals, or anything healing that dissolves in water
  • 1 or 2 drops of essential oil
  • enough ground hibiscus powder (if desired, for pink color)

Combine the ingredients in a bowl. Scoop some of the scrub onto your hand and massage gently onto your skin for 1 minute.   Leave on for 3 to 4 minutes before rinsing.

Note: The scrub will tighten onto your skin like a masque.

So, What do you get those special people in your life that you do not know that well?

What kind of gifts do you think speak from the heart, yet are loved by the recipient?

1 comment:

  1. Following both of your blogs! :)

    I LOVE the layout/background on this one! Lovely!

    I'm going to try the sugar scrub recipe. I've been wanting to make my own forever!


Thank you for visiting Natural Simplicity. I hope I have helped you on your journey to getting back to the basics.
One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.