Saturday, October 16, 2010

Science of Bubbles

Awhile back I was doing a research project in my kindergarten classroom.  We were learning about hummingbirds.  While doing research myself so I could be sure to give the children the most factual information about this lovely little creatures, I stumbled upon some interesting facts.

I wanted to give my students a chance to experience exactly how iridescence works, so I had them explore with soap bubbles.

Every kindergarten boy becomes an expert at blowing soap bubbles when using the bathrooms in the hallway.  I jumped at this knowledge and asked them the best way to do this.  After brainstorming ideas, we decided on a method and went outside to see how iridescence works.

Below you will see pictures of me and my boys doing the same experiment at home.  Even if you are not learning about hummingbirds or iridescence this activity is sure to be fun for children and adults of all ages.


First, you need to wet your hands really well.  Make them drip with as much water as possible.

Next, squirt about a quarter size amount of soap onto your wet hands.  Rub and swirl hands in a circular type motion... like you do when washing your hands.  If the soap is not lathering much, add more dish soap.

*Note:  I have never been able to do this activity without using the entire container of soap.  I would recommend purchasing a really cheap bottle for this activity.*

Once the you get a really good lather you are ready to try to make a bubble.  To begin, make hands form a circle as in the above picture. Gentle and slowly blow between your hands. 

At first, children get frustrated.  They will need to see you do this as well.  Watching you have trouble blowing the bubble, lets them know that it really will take several tries to master.

Seeing that first bubble being blown will erase all fears of not being successful.  You will have a hard time prying kids away from this activity.

If you are observing the bubbles for iridescence, be sure to remember to point out the swirling color on the side of the bubbles.  Constantly remind the children to look at the colors and ask them to describe what they see.  It is so easy to get distracted with the actual bubble making.  I know from experience.

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.