Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gooey Smore Parfait

I was looking through an American Girl Magazine while my class was checking out books in the school library.  I came across a section on tons of extra yummy parfaits. 

Luckily for me kindergarten was in charge of providing snacks for the next faculty meeting... the perfect opportunity to try a couple of them out.

So without further to-do...

  • graham crackers (crushed)
  • 1 jar toasted marshmallow cream
  • mini marshmallows
  • 2 packages chocolate pudding
  • milk
  • 1 container whip cream
  • 1 packet hot chocolate (optional)

Take out the container you plan to use for layering the ingredients.  A truffle dish will work best and make the prettiest display.

Bottom Layer
Open up a package of graham crackers and smash them with your hands.  The tinier the pieces the better.  Just be careful not to turn the graham crackers into powder.  I did this directly over the truffle bowl and just begin covering the bottom of the dish with the pieces.

You will need enough graham crackers to cover the bottom of the container at least an inch or two.

2nd Layer Up From the Bottom
Next, spread the toasted marshmallow cream over the graham crackers.  This is not easy.  The marshmallow cream will stick to everything.  If you get clumps of it to cover a large portion of the bottom layer, count it good and move on.

3rd Layer Up From the Bottom
Then, you will sprinkle mini marshmallows in a single layer.

4th Layer Up From the Bottom
Mix the chocolate pudding per package directions.  Once the pudding has become soft set dump into truffle dish.  Scrape side to get all the chocolaty goodness into your parfait.

Top Layer
Dump the entire container of whipped cream onto the chocolate pudding.  Spread it evenly.  If you want to make your parfait look pretty, sprinkle a dusting of hot chocolate powder on the whipped cream.  Refrigerate over night if you can wait that long.  Serve.

Note: To add a design on top, hold a doily or cookie cutter over the whipped cream before sprinkling.  You will probably need to use and entire packet of hot chocolate though to really be able to see the design.

Hope you enjoy this parfait as much as the faculty at my school.  I think it was the only thing eaten in its entirity.  Promising a heavenly experience...

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One Pink Fish


*All remedies mentioned on Natural Simplicity have been found on the web or in books as I learn to heal my family in a more natural manner.

* Always remember to consult a health care professional before trying any form of alternative medicine.